Another poem since there was a positive response to the last one.
Aether, Hemera, Erebus, and Nyx — from these names the elements are known, the day's segments, divided become one. Aether comes first of the upper sky shining, in him the morning's inner light heralds laws of the day, shadows of night's forming. Then comes Hemera, splendor of bronze, for in her rising our inner light is taken; Tartarus, bending of gleaming reflection. Then ruinous Erebus, of brooding forests, veiled over rolling hills, feeding of earth's mists — broken time, underworld fielding blackened soils. Finally, before the dark end, Nyx the deathless, veil of the preying birds' night, freeing, sweeping away the lifeless, stepped earth. And in every shadow, devastation; the lifeless order cut out from seas' alms, Achlys, the dejected, stands at pallid cliffs.