Wealth of the Dead
"Sed lexus
per ministros altaris
nunc solis vacat opibus
After the fall of the abundant world man finds new ways to reveal wealth, and reform the earth as its own creation. The earth itself is not infinitely giving, she has her own law and limit – a world confounded by what had been given and taken in the past. And so the "death of the soul spreads like a disease."
The earth has its own plan, and reveals a new order only when there are no longer answers to its questions, judgements. Technology does not rape the earth, but acts as intermediary, a bartar organ between what may be given and what exists, predominantly, as a limit. The earth itself a fulcrum.
Here greed exists in its life-giving power, and where man is cut out from his golden interior a new inheritance is formed. The glorious land of the prefigured, continents of lost memories.
Midas and Cordrus are one, just as the New World is the meeting of Heaven and Hell before the longest battle to excise the diseased souls.